
Tami Roman’s Inspiring Weight Loss Transformation: Secrets Revealed

Tami Roman is an American model, entrepreneur, and TV personality who gained fame in 1993 on the second season of The Real World before marrying NBA player Kenny Anderson the following year. After starting in supporting roles and making cameo appearances in various TV shows and movies in the 1990s to 2000s, Roman became one of the famous stars of VH1’s Basketball Wives. In this article, we will explore the secrets behind her weight loss journey.

Revealing about Tami Roman Weight Loss

Tami Roman after weight loss

Tami Roman, the fifty-year-old breakout star of Basketball Wives, recently made headlines for sharing her weight loss story during an episode of The Real World. The discussion revolved around body image disorders, where Tami disclosed that she had been battling this mental health disorder since the age of 13.

According to Tami Roman, her life-changing moment occurred when she aspired to become a model in New York City at the age of 13. During a visit to a modeling agency, she was targeted by a modeling agent who criticized her body. Despite being 5 foot 9 and weighing less than 120 pounds, she was told that she had excess fat on her legs, and the modeling agency’s comments shattered her self-confidence, leading to the development of a body disorder.

Tami explained that, since that moment, she had constantly felt that something was wrong with her body. Unaware of her body dysmorphic disorder, she only saw flaws whenever she looked at herself in the mirror. In her pursuit of becoming a model, she went to extreme lengths to lose weight, even undergoing jaw surgery in 1993 when she was already thin.

At the time, she had no knowledge of what body dysmorphic disorder was or how to cope with it; her sole focus was on becoming skinnier to fit the modeling industry’s standards.

Recently, Tami’s fans expressed concern when they noticed her thin physique in her Instagram posts. She revealed that she had been diagnosed with diabetes at the age of 50, making it challenging to manage her health alongside her body image disorder.

Tami Roman faced criticism from her co-star Evelyn Lozada, who accused her of looking “like a crackhead” due to her drastic weight loss.

Also read: Rebel Wilson Weight Loss Journey

Tami Roman Weight Loss Journey:

weight loss of Tami Roman

Tami Roman’s weight loss journey in 2012 was primarily attributed to the use of the weight-loss pill NV Clinical, along with a combination of diet and exercise. Here’s how she managed to shed those pounds:

  • NV Clinical Weight Loss Pill: Tami Roman revealed that she used the weight-loss pill NV Clinical to aid in her weight loss. This pill likely played a role in her initial weight loss.
  • Diet and Exercise: Tami adopted a healthier lifestyle by incorporating diet and exercise into her routine. She started with just 10 minutes of exercise and gradually increased it to 30 minutes over time.
  • Spokesperson for NV Clinical: Tami Roman openly admitted to being a spokesperson for NV Clinical in her interviews. She mentioned that she lost seven pounds in the first week by combining the weight loss pill with dietary changes.
  • Maintaining Her Love for Food: Tami expressed her love for food and her reluctance to give up this part of her identity. She emphasized the need to strike a balance between enjoying food and leading a healthier lifestyle.
  • Infusing Healthier Choices: Tami aimed to infuse her love for food with healthier choices and lifestyle changes to achieve her weight loss goals.
  • No Major Lifestyle Overhaul: While taking the weight loss pills, Tami did not make significant changes to her life, indicating that her weight loss approach was a combination of moderation and healthy choices.

Addressing Body-Shaming and Health

Tami Roman faced body-shaming and criticism on Instagram due to her significant weight loss. In response to the haters, she publicly addressed her weight loss and health:

  • Instagram Statement: Tami took to Instagram to post a statement addressing her drastic weight loss. She wanted to set the record straight about the reasons behind her transformation.
  • Diabetes and Health: Tami explained to Jackie Christie during an episode of Basketball Wives that her weight reduction was primarily driven by her battle with diabetes, not just appearance. She emphasized the importance of taking control of her health to live for her family.
  • Age and Healthy Lifestyle: Tami, at the age of 48, highlighted how her body responded positively when she adopted a healthier diet and lifestyle.
  • Family and Happiness: Tami’s ultimate goal is to lead a happy life with her daughters and husband despite her health issues. She remains committed to taking care of herself and her well-being.

Tami Roman’s journey serves as a testament to her self-love and resilience in the face of criticism and health challenges.


Tami Roman’s weight loss journey teaches us to embrace self-acceptance while highlighting the importance of consulting health professionals before considering weight loss supplements. Her story serves as a valuable lesson in prioritizing overall well-being over appearance.

Medical Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice.

Kelly Han

Dr. Kelly Han is a seasoned medical professional with a passion for holistic wellness and integrative health. Based in San Francisco, her expertise spans across various domains of health, from fitness and skincare to oral health and weight management. Understanding the intricate connections between different aspects of health, Dr. Han believes in a comprehensive approach. Whether it's the latest skincare regimen, effective weight loss strategies, or understanding hormonal imbalances, she's dedicated to providing readers with evidence-based advice and actionable insights on a wide array of health topics. Through her articles, Dr. Han aims to empower individuals to take charge of their well-being, offering them the knowledge and tools they need to lead healthier, more vibrant lives. Join her in exploring the multifaceted world of health, beauty, and wellness.

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